I currently work as an independent flooring consultant with my largest client being The Home Depot Home Services Flooring Division.
If you’re a Home Depot Flooring Customer and need assistance please call or text me on my Home Depot line, Thursday through Saturday from 8 am – 6 pm at 480-532-8519. Text me anytime if the information you need is more time sensitive, at 623-910-8965. I usually return texts the same day.
There’s no charge and no obligation to Home Depot customers for professional consultation, as you have already paid and invited them to come to your home. Though, if you believe my advice may have exceeded your expectations, please feel free to donate via Zelle using my phone number – 623-910-8965.
Home Depot doesn’t compensate their home services division with commission; meaning I have no skin in the game. Whether you purchase flooring through them is entirely up to you. My goal is to match a floor and it’s installation to your lifestyle; in so much that it simply makes you happy by looking at it.